5 Nov 2010

Cry me a fucking river...

Am I the only one who is sick and fucking tired about hearing about these Africans who have to live on "as little as a dollar a day" on the television?

Well bloody hell, you could buy a lot, I bet, in Africa for a hootin' dollar. How about in BUMFUCK America where I am? I am lucky if I can get away with charging a $.99 episode of 24 to my mom's credit card on iTunes. On the odd weekend she lets me borrow the car and I can get a $.99 parfait and $.99 sweat tea at McDonalds. A dollar a MOTHER FUCKING DAY? I WISH I HAD THE LUXURY.

So how about some consideration for us Americans who have to live on less than a dollar a day? Where is the fucking sympathy, CRY ME A RIVER, STARTING NOW!

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