16 Sept 2009

Underpants Tags - Sometime They Get Crusty

So you're finally fat enough that your mum can tell your little brother's underwear from yours by sheer size, and there is no worries about confusion with your dad's — mum need only give you the stack without all those skidmarks. If you are so lucky as me in these two regards, this is to say the little '46' brand tags are no longer serving their purpose in differentiating and there is no point in letting them continue to go to waste! ESPECIALLY WHEN they have gotten crusty from 8-9 years of service and are scratchy on your backside. Quickly head to your underwear drawer and peel off as many as you can without actually damaging the elastic band. Tip: The oldest crustiest underwear with inelastic elastic tend to be the most conducive to having their tag peeled away. Now you need ask yourself but a few question to find a good use for all these tags: how comfortable would YOU feel if you saw a '46' criggly old man's underwear tag laying on the counter at the all-you-can-eat Chinese, on the keyboard of a public library internet terminal, or simply had it ACCIDENTALLY handed to you amidst a stack of crinkled bills and tip if YOU were the pizza deliver boy collecting delivery pizza money? You'd have questions for sure, and not to say this conclusively and definitely (hey, different strokes for different folks), but: you probably WOULDN'T be terribly pleased at the prospect of having to touch it. Got the idea? GO!

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